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Did you know?

1. Manila was originally named Ginto, which means land of gold in Filipino.

2. Manila was founded in 1571 and then was combined into  Metro-Manila in 1975.

3. Manila used the nickname "Pearl of the Orient."

4. The earliest evidence of human life in the area is a nearby Angono Petroglyphs, a cave with engraved and painted pictures of animals, humans and various other things. This is dated to 3000 BC.

5.The name of the city came from "nilad" which is a kind of plant which used to grow abundantly in the area. In a rough translation "may" means with or many, together it grew into the name "maynilla" which is now Manila built.

6. Manila has a set of secret underground tunnels built by miners to transport resources and supplies which was closed in the 50's.

7. Manila was the 2nd most damaged city in WWII, next to Warsaw, Poland.


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Created by David Li, Patrick Jones, William Graves and Leo Kouskouris

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